Kratky Lettuce - Kratky Method Lettuce - Kratky Hydroponic Lettuce Garden

Growing Kratky lettuce using the Kratky method of hydroponics can reduce your growing time and increase production. It is simple, easy to setup and less work that traditional gardening. Kratky method lettuce is one of the easiest way to grow lettuce hydroponically.

Kratky Lettuce Garden - Lettuce Plant Icon

Kratky Lettuce Garden

Get expert advice on how to design a Kratky lettuce garden.


Fusce vel egestas nisl. Aliquam vel turpis id dolor vehicula pretium. Pellentesque faucibus bibendum convallis. Integer ex dui, ullamcorper et laoreet non, euismod ut felis. In varius pretium mi.

Kratky Lettuce Maintenance - Icon showing hose watering lettuce.

Kratky Lettuce Maintenance

Undertsand the maintenance needed in your Kratky lettuce garden.


Fusce vel egestas nisl. Aliquam vel turpis id dolor vehicula pretium. Pellentesque faucibus bibendum convallis. Integer ex dui, ullamcorper et laoreet non, euismod ut felis. In varius pretium mi.

Kratky Lettuce Space Usage - Icon showing Blocks of Space

Kratky Lettuce Space Usage

How to arrange your Kratky Lettuce in your space for max yield.


Fusce vel egestas nisl. Aliquam vel turpis id dolor vehicula pretium. Pellentesque faucibus bibendum convallis. Integer ex dui, ullamcorper et laoreet non, euismod ut felis. In varius pretium mi.

Kratky Lettuce Seeds Icon - Hand hold sprouting lettuce seeds.

Kratky Lettuce Seeds

What seeds are best for Hydroponic Kratky Lettuce.


Fusce vel egestas nisl. Aliquam vel turpis id dolor vehicula pretium. Pellentesque faucibus bibendum convallis. Integer ex dui, ullamcorper et laoreet non, euismod ut felis. In varius pretium mi.

Kratky Hydroponic Lettuce – Growing Abundantly

Lettuce is a great crop to grow hydroponically, and the Kratky method is a simple and effective way to do it. In this article we’ll cover everything you need to know about growing Kratky lettuce using the Kratky method.

The Kratky method is a passive hydroponic system, which means that it doesn’t require any pumps or moving parts. Water and nutrients are held in a reservoir, and the roots of the plants are suspended in the nutrient solution. The plants are supported by a structure (usually a piece of PVC pipe) that keeps them upright.

The beauty of Kratky method lettuce is its simplicity. You can set it up with just a few materials, and it doesn’t require any special equipment or knowledge.

How to Grow Kratky Hydroponic Lettuce

To grow Kratky method lettuce, you’ll need a container for your reservoir, some plants, and a support structure. You can use any type of container for your reservoir, as long as it’s big enough to hold the roots of your plants. A food-grade plastic bucket or bin is a good option. We love using Kratky mason jars.

You’ll also need a way to support your plants. The most common option is to use a piece of PVC pipe, but you can also use chicken wire, mesh, or even just rocks.

Hydroponic Lettuce Growing System for Growing Kratky Method Lettuce

Once you have your materials, you’re ready to set up your system. Start by filling your reservoir with water and nutrients. Then, place your support structure in the reservoir so that the roots of the plants are suspended in the solution.

You can then place your plants in the holes or slits in the support structure. Make sure that the roots are completely submerged in the nutrient solution.

Once your plants are in place, they’ll start to grow! The Kratky method is a great way to grow lettuce, and it’s a simple and effective way to get started with hydroponics. Grow Kratky lettuce in a simple way.


Pounds of Lettuce


Varieties Grown


Dollars a Year Saved

Grow Abundant Lettuce

Growing Kratky Lettuce hydroponicly indoors or outdorrs is a wonderful way to get an abundant crop of lettuce all year long.

No Watering, Just Top Off

No more constant watering. Hydroponic lettuce. isself-watering and you can even grow one head from start to finish without ever needing to water.

No More Dirt or Soil

No more weeding, planting and digging in the dirt. Hydroponic lettuce grows with ease in containers and is a joy to grow.